All Notable Conspiracy Theories of 20th Century

From the bonkers claims of a moon landing hoax to the myriad of conspiracy theories that make even the most skeptical minds whirl, the 20th century was rife with narratives that stretched the boundaries of belief. Conspiracy theories have been a significant part of public discourse throughout the 20th century. Here is a list of some notable conspiracy theories from that period:

  1. JFK Assassination Theories (1963): Various theories suggest that John F. Kennedy’s assassination was the result of a plot by different groups including the CIA, the mafia, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, or even the Soviet Union.
  2. Moon Landing Hoax (1969): Claims that the Apollo Moon landing was staged by NASA with possible assistance from other organizations.
  3. New World Order: The belief that a secret elite is conspiring to rule the world through an authoritarian world government.
  4. Roswell UFO Incident (1947): Allegations that an alien spacecraft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, and that the U.S. government covered it up.
  5. MK-Ultra (1950s-1970s): CIA’s mind control program that allegedly conducted illegal experiments on humans.
  6. Area 51 and Aliens: Theories about the secretive U.S. Air Force base, asserting that it houses evidence of extraterrestrial life.
  7. The Philadelphia Experiment (1943): Claims that the U.S. Navy conducted secret experiments on teleportation and invisibility on a ship.
  8. The Illuminati and Control of Global Events: Belief that the Illuminati, a secret society, influences major world events.
  9. Paul is Dead (1969): The rumor that Paul McCartney of The Beatles died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike.
  10. Fluoride in Drinking Water (1940s onwards): Claims that adding fluoride to public drinking water is a plot for mind control or other nefarious purposes.
  11. The Bilderberg Group: Theories that this annual private conference of influential people works to control political and economic decisions globally.
  12. Chemtrails (1990s onwards): Beliefs that the trails left by aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for unknown purposes.
  13. HIV/AIDS Creation Theories: Claims that HIV was created by the CIA or other organizations to wipe out certain populations.
  14. The Trilateral Commission: Conspiracy theories surrounding this non-governmental organization, suggesting it aims to foster global cooperation but is actually bent on world domination.
  15. Vince Foster’s Death (1993): Theories that the death of Vince Foster, a White House aide, was not a suicide but a murder linked to the Clintons.
  16. Princess Diana’s Death (1997): Theories suggesting that Princess Diana’s car crash was not an accident but a planned murder.

Remember, these are conspiracy theories, which means they are not supported by credible evidence and often contradict established facts. They should be approached with a critical mindset.

Read Why We Like Conspiracy Theories

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